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    What payment methods does UMC support?

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    How long does dispute resolution take on UMC?

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    Can I withdraw my UMC wallet balance to my bank account?

For the Card Holder

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    Are my card details safe on UMC?

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    What if the buyer claims they did not receive the product, even if they received it?

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    What if the buyer forgets to confirm the order placement?

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    If the buyer returns/cancels the order, how long does it take for a me to get the refund?

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    What resolution is provided when the buyer forgets to update the order delivery, post the delivery date?

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    How long does it take for me to receive the purchase amount and the commission?

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    Is the purchase amount along with the commission considered eligible for tax deductions?

For the Buyer

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    Is my money safe with UMC wallet?

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    What happens to the amount I paid if I don’t receive my order?

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    Is my e-commerce account safe on UMC?

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    Let’s say the cardholder transacts using their credit card, then I get the discount and cardholder gets their commission. But later, cardholder files a dispute with their bank for fraudulent transaction, gets a refund from the bank, and the bank cancels the transaction, which in turn leads to order cancellation in the buyer’s store account. How does a buyer gets a just resolution in this case?

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